17 November 2009

youve got so much more to live for.

well im not quite caring. im going to sleep in the sun and dance in the snow, no not in the rain the snow. cos everything is leaving. everthing is going. gone. so i dont care. cos im just here. i dont know why i dont believe i have such of a reason. but hey im just going to live this thing called life and try make it worth it. so im not going to sit there crying only for fun when im bored anyway. because one day everything is going to leave you. your not always going to fit into your favourite sweater. your hair colour will soon fade. that frost on the grass will melt. the sun will go down. your fuchia pink pen will run out of ink. your music will soon be old. your tv show will only last for a while. and your fake love wont last at all. so dont get caught up in it all. cos im not anymore. im just living in the moment, that moment is life. im going to cover someones wall in sticky notes saying i love you. im going to swing from a chandelier. and im just going to do these things cos one day they will be gone, faded out of fashion. just. not there anymore. gone. thats why im rocking out to my favourite tunes now cos one day they will not be there to download anymore. not there in the cd shops. im going to just listen carefully to each word in the lyrics. and im going to remember. because one day its going to leave me. and i want it still in my head. forever. so even if something lasts for a year, a month, a week, a day. its never going to last forever. never. because one day you will die. and that isnt the end of forever. because this thing you still have cant go on without you. you cannot love someone whilst being dead. no matter how much you had the feeling before. you dont have feeling now. so it is impossible. so get over your silly little cliches and favourite lines. live with them but dont get with them. cos its going to go someday. gone.