19 November 2009

catch us the foxes.

your a two face bitch. neither sides is bitchy though. just different. around others you act all way mad like your the hottest thing on the equator. and around me you kinda just act like me. its weird. stop it. stop it. stop it. cos you know what. i like being me. im not ashamed. i dont care what people think of me really. im my own person. and i hate it how everyone these days think there so different. there not. everyone these days listens to mainstream. wear all the brand clothes. most kids have the same type of myspace too. and i dont. none of these things. i listen to whatever i want, all types. you may not notice though. i wear whatever clothes i like, i usually wear dresses and i like bright tights. i have quite a different myspace to most, ive noticed. and no i dont write a blog cos i think its cool or the newest shit. ive had one for quite a while. just now more people are using it. and no im not saying shit like im a trendsetter cos im not. things just get around. as everything does eventually. which is shit too. cos im happy here doing my own thing. but until everyone else starts to catch on with it. then that annoys me because then i dont want to like doing it anymore. because everyone does it now. and that really annoys me the most. so ive learnt not to tell people things that i like. i dont tell people what music i listen to i dont tell them what tv shows i watch i dont tell them were i shop from. because if you tell everyone everything they will tell and it just gets around and soon enough everyone is doing the same sort of thing as you.