23 September 2011

Holiday To Do List

I need distractions/goals/whatever for the holidays so here they are...
1. Get thin
2. Get tanned fully
3. Try and keep my skin good
4. Re-decorate my room
5. Finish my quilt
6. Watch a zillion romantic/tragic movies
7. Get a manicure.. so don't ruin nails before hand
8. Visit Maddy
9. Get more songs for when I go to Queensland
10. Find a bikini and buy it and wear it
11. Buy a new dona cover
12. Buy new concealer/mascara/brush cleaner
13. Start driving
14. Buy some good high waisted shorts/skirts
15. Only straighten my hair when absolute needed
16. Don't waste any money on food - at all.. and try not for movies
17. Do exercise every day
18. Don't wear makeup when not seeing anyone.. or just don't anyway except eye makeup
19. Borrow books/music from the library
20. Go to the gym