05 August 2011

Rain, rain, rain, rain down on me.
- Today was a pretty day
- It's now raining
- I'm jealous of you, but my competitiveness will change that.
- I started a new blog
- I ordered two books online; The Tales of Beedle & Bard, Just Listen.
- Planning on doing my geography assignment on Sunday, I hope I do it.
- Seeing my aunt tomorrow, I miss her. And my grandparents, I miss them.
- My mom will be angry tomorrow.
- He ran out of pills
- I laughed today, I took off my jumper
- I downloaded one song today.
- I read the paper and talked to dad
- Convinced her to make the healthiest thing possible for dessert in the book; poached pears
- I feel sick now
- I will go to bed before 12am
- I have to decide my life in two weeks
- Everyone is sad, always.
- I haven't painted my nails in about 4 weeks
- I have blisters on my feet and they really really hurt
- I helped and made salad for dinner
- Realizing everyone is two faced, not always in a bad way but no one has the right to say it to anyone.
- He came home today, not happy
- I cannot wait until Pottermore, my life will be complete.