16 March 2010

16th of March 2010. This is what I am thinking loves,

Today, Everyday really. I don't care. I mean I hate it when people think you will care about something they do. Like they deliberatley do something to annoy you, and then your kindof like um wtf dude? I don't care. What was the point? Yes, that indeed is what I hate today. I also hate school. When you really think about it, it's such a waste of nothing. It's like only there because we have to go to school. I want to do online school. That seems way better.

I love today. When I say that I mean, what I love today. Not I love today. Because that would not be possible. How could I love a word like that. That would just confuse some people, yet it proply only confuses you now that I have mentioned it. Sorry about that. Anyway. I love the rain. I think the rain hates me though, it hasn't visted in a while. Boo you. I love organisation. Which isn't working out for me right now. I wish I was so much more oganised. Though I love the messiness. I wish I was messy, in an organized way. You know. When everythings messy to the naked eye. But to you. Its a lovely collection of things, you know where everything is so it's not messy to you. Because yet even if anyone else doesn't know where everything is, It doesn't matter really. But yes.

I shall leave now, and go onto tumblr. www.mazzandthemachine.tumblr.com
Just for now, not forever.