03 November 2009

where are you, what the hells is going on?

i feel like floating away. someplace nice. where the sun never comes out. it rains lightly but all the time. the sky is a blue grey. all there is is a big street with vintage houses and big trees and im walking down it. im in a white dress with sleeves to my elbows. my hair is long and flowing. it doesnt go frizzy in the rain either. im bare footed and the ground isnt hurting me. in my mind theres a soundtrack to my life. i know what song i want played at each moment. its honey and the moon playing. its funny because there isnt a car in sight. just a road. with no turn-offs. and im walking. the song doesnt seem to end even though its all over. i dont look back at my past road. i just keep walking. nothing seems to hurt me. but every step i take is like stepping on glass particles, eventually it will hurt but you dont really notice it at that moment. i look happy. i say im happy. im not always. i kinda just make myself happy somehow. but i destroy it eventually. i dont care about anything. is thats what wrong with me. i dont care. because right now i dont have much to care about. yeah i care about family and things. but nothing imparticular. you know. well you dont. but im just telling whoever wants to know.