23 November 2009

theres your reasons, now run along.

hate is the light on your eyes. its the song you play to remind yourself. its the feeling you feel when theres nothing else. its the inocent people who you can blame for no reason. its the other half of your heart. hate is when you cant love. its when as much as you try. you cant. because you know you cant love with one. only true is two. you know that you hate something someone when you love them all the same. its when you cant control yourself. its when you cry yourself to sleep. its confused with love most of the time. you hate when you love. you hate what you love. you hate love. and love hate. because neither of them are going to satisfy you. so you choose both to try and satisfy your heart. hate is when you cry about the ones you love. its when you want to run away. away from life and everything with it. i hate love. because love hates you. thats why it hurts.