30 October 2009

i know your love is true and deep as the sea

im sitting on my bed listening to the fan spin round and the occasional beep it makes. my eyes are sore and i dont know why i dont go to bed. i always do this on friday nights stay up doing nothing and sleep in for agers. but i like sitting on my bed listening to music and thinking of nothing. i dont know how to think of nothing its just my mind floating off into nowhere. i think its me just half asleep but i still see it as thinking of nothing. i stare into nowhere and things come to my mind i dont even know im thinking of anything i think its hard not to you know. i like to play guitar and i feel like it now but i cant be bothered to get up to get it. im lying here typing things. words just popping out of my head. im thinking of the title of my blog im running away. what does that mean. running away from what. what am i running away from. you see i think you can run away from lots of things. not in the literal term. i like the words running away. i think i mean to start over cos im bored you know. im getting sick of nothing but hey starting over would be fun. i could mean to get away from everything which i would do too but i cant be stuffed. i dont know what other running aways there are even though i said there are lots, im sure there are if you think about it.