12 December 2012

Everything about you, everything about you I miss. Darling you were always perfect in my eyes, and I don't mean that in you had no faults, I mean it that even your faults were perfection. 

At times like these I just wish you were here to talk to. You are and always will be one of the coolest people I ever met. You'd never make me feel like shit and I don't know you probably hated me at times, but for sure you never made me feel it. You told me you'd never forgive yourself, and trust me I never will either, I can't.

From day one I've been searching for you, I've been waiting for you, I don't think I'll ever stop because I know you'll come back soon. I need you. I need someone to hate everyone and everything with again and then hate ourselves while we'd both tell each other not to but we knew neither would change. 

All I can think about is your smile, your laugh, your frown, your disgust in people, your love and just you. You're all I think about, even when I don't think I am, you're there. You're always there. But I can't see you, and I want to see you. I want nothing more than to fucking see you again.