15 October 2010

story of the month.

One fine summer's day..
He was the prince. She was a girl. She took chances, made herself clear.
To her surprise, he fell for her. Not knowing she was unstable.
She was over the moon, happy to pretend she was inlove or whatever the feeling was.
The summer was over, the prince had to move back to his country.
The girl had to stay. They decided that no matter of length would change their feelings.
That was the plan. She took it for a while. Just picturing things.
What would it be like. If he to be there with her.
The princes father died. He had to make a decision.
Take the throne? Be able to see her occasionally.
Turn down the offer? Be with her every day.
But the girl. She was too afraid.
For him, she didn't want him to turn down this offer.
It was a lifetime thing, to her pretence she wasn't completely sure if she was.
Was she a lifetime thing? Be serious here? Questions rumaged her head.
Day in. Day out. She comtemplated.
But one day, she had to tell the truth to herself.
She hurt. Tears stung her eye's.
She told him. Told him to take the thrown.
Hold on to everything he has.
Only..not her.